Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Monday, August 25, 2008

Carys Speak

Grandma Koehn said today that Carys made a sort of noise that sounded like da but this (see video) is pretty much all we hear all day, everyday. Every time we put her in her activity center lately she runs around in circles "talking" (aka happily screaming). This and Maddie's barking make my eardrums hurt.

So, it turns out that our cat Tiger and Katie (former coworker who now stays home with her son Landon who is a month younger than Carys) & Neil's (current coworker) cat Cleo are pretty much twinkies. By twinkies I mean fat, baby loving gray tabbies. Here's Carys "loving" on Tiger.

Standing Tall

Carys has started to pull herself up on things, still no crawling (unless you count army crawls). She has mastered sitting up on her own and rolls wherever she wants to go. The general consensus is that she'll probably skip crawling, but who knows.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Carys' First Big Cold

She's all better now but it was a yucky cold and she missed the last week of swim class, where she probably picked it up.