Friday, July 31, 2009


In the last week or so Carys has began saying words. She’s a little late, most kids her age are already using 2 word phrases. Aunt Kim says she read that babies who walk early are often late to talk and vice versa. Until now she would only say "up" and "out" on a regular basis. The few other words she was learning she would only repeat when she felt like it. Now, she'll try to repeat most words you ask her to say and has begun to use them on her own. The other day I found her reciting the alphabet when they played it on Sesame Street. This video only shows her repeating a few of the letters but at the end she shares some of the new words she's learned overthe last week.

My Big Girl Hanging at the City Pool

Hurst has the best city pool ever!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pretty New Dress

My Aunt Alison sent my mom home from California with a ton of outfits. Here's Carys in her pretty new cherry dress. She keeps showing everyone her new dress. It's too funny. Thanks Aunt Alison!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July

Here are some picutres from our 4th of July party at Grandma and Grandpa Murphy's.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer 2009 - Cancun

Cancun was actually cooler than Texas (100 here, 90 there) and the humidity was about the same. Since it was such a short trip we mostly hung out at the hotel beach and pool and didn’t venture out of the hotel zone. Next time we definitely will though. I really like the bus, cheap, fast and you don’t have to bother with parking… Sean, not so much, but he couldn’t argue with the price. Here are a few pictures and videos.
Dad can we go to the pool now?

You gotta look good before you can show yourelf on the beach.

Perfecting her swimming skills.

Carys loves the sand. I think we'll have to get her a sandbox of her own or visit the beach on a regular basis.

Every hotel has it's own local vermin. Usually it's stray cats or bunnies but in Cancun it's iguanas. Every afternoon they come out to sun themselves and beg for french fries (I kid you not, they eat french fries).

Even though she was exausted she waved for the camera.

Pool fun

First time walking on the beach.

Entertainment on the bus.