Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Park and Fort Worth Zoo

I took some time off this week and we went to the park on Monday and the zoo on Tuesday. I’ve never taken her to the zoo, and she hasn’t been with Sean since she was pretty little so we were excited. I didn’t get too many picture with the animals, most of them freaked her out except for the birds (until one landed on her seed stick in the parakeet enclosure) and fish. Today though she said she like them all, which as you can tell from the alligator picture was not at all true yesterday.

Before the parakeet landed on her stick

After the parakeet landed on her stick

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Colorado Vacation

Last week Carys took her first trip without mom or dad. She went to Colorado with Grandma and Grandpa Koehn while I was in San Diego at our partner event. They stayed with my mom's best friend Barb and her family. Barb's daughter Kelly got a horse last month for her birthday and Carys was really excited to visit the horses. They also went up to Craig to visit Aunt BB. We can’t wait to all go for Thanksgiving.

Carys and Daisy