Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2009 Pictures

Wow what a crazy last few weeks. Birthdays, Christmas, new flooring and winter colds. Carys’ birthday party photos are on our computer at home so I’ll have to add those later. Here are a few Christmas photos and hopefully I can add some videos tomorrow. Thanks everyone for making Carys' second Christmas so great. She got a lot of neat stuff.
Santa Mickey

Look what Santa brought!

The first cheesy smile

Sadly this phone has become the first incident in a toilet dropping phase.

She's already figured out she can get the mittens off by pulling them with her teeth. She also hates the hat but that's no surprise, she hates all hats.

Aunt Desi and Carys

Grandma and Grandpa Murphy got her a tambourine that lights up.

Lounging in her new chair.

Bailey likes her chair too.

1 comment:

Miss Rogers said...

LOL - I love the picture of her lounging in her red chair!!!

Happy New Year!