Carys Stats
- Carys weighs about 20 lbs and is 30” (2’ 5”).
- Has 4 top and 4 bottom front teeth and all 4 first molars are one their way in.
- Loves to brush her teeth by herself. This consists of attempting to brush, sucking the water and chewing on the brush.
- We’ve recently discovered that she’s pretty good at feeding herself with a spoon even though we’ve never shown her or practiced. She must have picked it up by watching everyone eat.
- Shes does really well at chewing and loves fruit. She dislikes most green veggies, spinach is the worst.
- Says dada but mostly yells DA!!. According to Sean, she can say ma but thinks it’s the funny to say da when I ask her to say it.
- Says Jessa, thank you, quack and meow and aaaah choooo after anyone sneezes, even if it was on tv.
- Loves to dance
- Love to “pat pat” and hug Tiger although we do find her kicking her occasionally. She would do the same to the dogs but they’re smart and move out of the way when they see her coming.
- She doesn’t get into much trouble and even closes the pantry door for me when it’s open.
- She feeds the dogs their treats every morning and evening, helps put clothes in the dryer and clean up her toys.
- Can move backwards on her ride on toy but still hasn’t figured out how to go forward.
- Can get in and out of her chair and just started climbing onto Grandma & Grandpa Koehn’s fireplace.
- Love to take a bath and throws her bath toys, and recently items that are not bath toys, into the bath tub.
- She’s drunk water from a straw cup since she was about 6 months. She knows how to use a cup but will only drink water from it. She’s slowing being convinced that she can drink milk from a cup too.
- Knows how to take a long sleeve shirt off by herself and can take a disposable diaper off. She’s known for a while how to take her cloth diaper cover off but only does that now when it’s bath time.
Here are a few videos from the past few weeks.
Carys and Sean go to Monkey Business a few times a week. She has a lot of fun and is always exausted at the end of the day.
I decided to give Carys her spoon and bowl last weekend and it turns out she can use the spoon pretty well and has been feeding herself for the most since then.
When the weather's warm enough we go out for walks in the neighborhood in her wagon. She loves it when Sean goes fast.
1 comment:
she is growing up so much, I love the video of the wagon ride dont you wish you could just bottle that laughter:)
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