Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sick, Sick and Did I Mention Sick? Oh, and a Funny Video.

So, since Thanksgiving I've been sick three times, once with the flu. Carys has been sick three times, thankfully she didn't get the flu, and Sean's gotten sick twice. In between illness and work we've had family visit (Carys had lots of fun with cousins Artie and Keaton), Aunt Kim's baby shower, Carys 2nd birthday party, Aunt Desi's graduation from Texas A&M, emergency doggy dental surgery and Christmas. There hasn't been any time to do anything, let alone update a blog.
Carys had a great Christmas and got tons of toys. I, on the other hand woke up with a fever and spent the entire day on my parent's couch. Oh, and I also lost the camera days before Christmas and only found it yesterday. Good thing I held on to the old one so we've got a few pictures. I'm hoping to get those uploaded soon...
Anywho, here's a funny video of Carys and Keaton knocking each other over, classic toddler video. Of course I'm the bad mommy getting a good chuckle instead of running to the aid of my baby. They were both fine, just few tears.

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