Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Saturday evening Carys started out in her adorbable rickrack jammies and woke up in the middle of the night burning up. It was a little warm in the house so I put her Punky Brewster jim-jams. They’re really Elmo and Abby Cadabby but they totally remind me of something Punky Brewster would wear. Anyway turns out she had a fever all night long. She woke up with a fever but still had a lot of fun hunting for the eggs which took all of 3 minutes. Next year the Easter Bunny is going to have to make the hiding places much more difficult.

Even though she was feeling fine, Carys and I skipped Easter brunch since baby Caroline was going and I didn’t want to chance getting her sick. There’s no way I could have kept Carys away from Caroline, she loves babies and wants to help with everything. We did go over to Grandma and Grandpa Koehn’s for dinner and to open her gifts which included a bunch of summer clothes, a new baby doll and princess wand that she thinks also doubles as a giant bubble blower.

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